Thursday, September 18, 2014

Rap Sheet for September 18th

Thursdays, 3 to 4pm, at 89.5FM in the Vallejo region, thanks to Tune in on your Smart Phone: Tune-in App [link], Desktop U-stream [link], w. chat box [link], or Live Mp3 stream (.pls) [link], or tune-in on your Netbook / Laptop [link].

Sellassie - "Cops Keep Firing"
Willie Joe - "From the Bay, Bruh"
Jay Bravo - "Stop Frontin' "

Oscyi MT Mayor []. This ain't even HALF of the album's I put out BY MYSELF since 2001!!!!! It can be done with DETERMINATION & FOCUS!!!! "Tainted Masterpiece" will be out in Late Oct!!!!!

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